About WESB

The Search-based Software Engineering Workshop (WESB) is the national forum focusing the area of Search-based Software Engineering. The nineth edition of the workshop aims to attract the participation of researchers from different segments of software engineering and stimulate the inclusion of search algorithms as a way of solving software engineering problems. The workshop will feature technical sessions, a poster session, and a keynote.

WESB is a workshop on theoretical and practical experiences of Search-Based Software Engineering, both in academic and industrial projects. Reports on the advancement of the state-of-art, as well as the state-of-practice, are expected, promoting the exchange of experiences, opinions and debates among the participants.

Important Dates!

Jun 15, 2018 - Paper submission

Jun 30, 2018 - Paper submission

Jul 13, 2018 - Acceptance notification

Jul 17, 2018 - Acceptance notification

Jul 23, 2018 - Camera-ready submission

Sep 19, 2018 - Workshop date

Call for papers

Topics of interest

New search strategies or adaptations for Software Engineering

Search algorithm applications in Software Engineering

Effectiveness assessment of search in Software Engineering

Experimentation with search techniques in Software Engineering

Industrial application of search in Software Engineering

Tools that employ search in Software Engineering problems

Search Techniques

Genetic algorithms

Simulated annealing

Tabu Search

Ant Colony optimization

Particle swarm optimization

Software Engineering

Software requirements

Design and code

Software architecture


Software testing

Software maintenance

Software quality

Project management

Change management

Recommendation systems

Development processes

Component-based SE

Service-oriented SE

Model-driven SE

Software product lines

Acceptance Criteria

All papers will be evaluated by at least three members of the Program Committee. Acceptance will be based on originality and contribution to the advancement of theory and practice in the area. The criteria are closeness to the workshop's scope, application or practical relevance, technique quality, clear presentation, and providing original contributions. Paper selection for presentation in the workshop will consider submissions that show the types of research work below.

Innovative technical solutions

We encourage the submission of papers that apply search techniques in aspects of Software Engineering that were no addressed in this fashion before. The paper should provide an assessment or proof-of-concept demonstration showing that proposed technique works and is scalable to real problems. The paper should also be clear about its contributions with respect to related work.

Approach assessment

The assessment must be based on scientific methods in the form of empirical studies, experiments, case studies, simulations, and formal analysis. The evaluation presented in the paper must be based on a solid and appropriate research method. The results should be relevant, constituting an increase of the current knowledge about the selected approach. Experience reports highlighting lessons learned are also welcome.

New perspectives

The outlined perspective should lay out new ways of looking at important issues, presenting new and creative ideas and rethinking current point-of-views. The paper must reveal and provoke thought, providing new perceptions on the state of the art. The ideas presented must be original and look sound. Papers that just have a glimpse idea or propose research on a topic will be rejected.


Tools must employ optimization techniques to solve Software Engineering problems. The employed techniques, as well as the problem addressed by using them, must be described in the paper. The authors must demonstrate the feasibility of tool, including a discussion on its advantages/disadvantages and limitations, through results of its application. If possible, the authors should provide a version of the tool for evaluation.

Submission format

We will accept full papers to be presented orally. Articles can be written in Portuguese or English. All submissions must follow the formatting style of the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC) for conferences. The papers should report original works that have not been submitted simultaneously to other vehicles and they have not been published or presented in other forums.

Full papers must have up to 10 pages, including figures and references. Short papers must have up to 6 pages. All submissions must be in the Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) format and must be submitted through the JEMS (https://jems.sbc.org.br/home.cgi?c=3137) conference management system until the deadline. For the paper to be included in the electronic proceedings of the workshop at least one author must attend the workshop and present the paper at the event.

Come to visit São Carlos!

Workshop Program

Invited Talk: Search-Based Software Engineering: Past, Present and Future

The field known as Search-based Software Engineering (SBSE) is devoted to the application of search-based techniques to solve different Software Engineering (SE) problems. Search-based techniques include algorithms from the optimization area, such as Genetic Algorithms, and other evolutionary and bio-inspired ones. Such algorithms search, in a potentially huge space, the best solution (or solutions) to solve a problem according to some criteria, generally represented by an objective function that determines the solution quality. Work on SBSE dates back 1976 and the interest in the area began to gather pace in the 1990s. The initial research starts addressing testing and planning problems. The term was coined by Harman and Jones in 2001 and since them successful SBSE approaches have been reported. The types of SE problems to which SBSE is applied are hard problems that for, in general, a simple and exact solution does not exist. For example, to find the best refactoring sequence for a program, to allocate the task resources in a best way, to structure the architecture of a system satisfying factors such as cohesion and coupling, and so on. Nowadays, we still observe a great interest in the area. New problems have been addressed and new algorithms have been investigated. On the other hand, we can identify some limitations and challenges for the field. In this talk, I will give, first, an overview about past work on SBSE and about the current state of the art. I will foucs on some contributions of my research group, GrES/UFPR. Finally, I will discuss possible new research directions in SBSE.

Silvia R. Vergilio received the MSc (1991) and PhD (1997) degrees from University of Campinas - UNICAMP, Campinas, Brazil. She is currently at the Computer Science Department at the Federal University of Paraná, Brazil, where she has been a faculty member since 1993. Silvia is head of the Research Group on Software Engineering (GRES) at UFPR. She has been involved in several projects and her research interests are in the areas of Software Engineering, such as: software testing, software architecture, software metrics, and search-based software engineering.

Technical Session #1

Comparing Low Level Heuristics Selection Methods in a Higher-Order Mutation Testing Approach

Jackson Prado Lima (UFPR), Silvia Vergilio (UFPR)

N2PC: Um Algoritmo Evolucionário Multiobjetivo baseado em Cones Poliédricos construídos através de Preferências

Pamella Sousa (UECE), Raphael Saraiva (UECE), Allysson Allex Araújo (UECE), Gustavo Campos (UECE), Jerffeson Souza (UECE)

Uma proposta de geração automática de algoritmos de refatoração

Thainá Mariani (UFPR), Silvia Vergilio (UFPR), Marouane Kessentini (University of Michigan)

Technical Session #2

Abordagens de priorização de características para projeto de arquitetura de LPS baseado em busca

Diego Silva (UEM), Matheus Cecílio (UEM), Thelma Colanzi (UEM)

Análise de estilo de programação com Rede Neural Recorrente para aprovação automática de pull request

Lucas Roque (UFG), Altino Dantas (UFG), Celso Camilo-Junior (UFG)

Uso da Meta-heurística Biased Random Key Genetic Algorithm no Next Release Problem com Configuração Automática de Parâmetros

Andre Andrade (UNIRIO), Márcio Barros (UNIRIO), Adriana Cesário de Faria Alvim (UNIRIO)

Working Groups Meeting

Discussion about common research themes to motivate future collaborations

Workshop participants


Program Chairs

Maria Cláudia Figueiredo Pereira Emer

DAINF - UTFPR - Campus Curitiba

Curitiba, PR


Wesley Klewerton Guez Assunção

COTSI - UTFPR - Campus Toledo

Toledo, PR


Organizing Committee

Silvia Regina Vergilio

Universidade Federal do Paraná

Márcio Barros

Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Jerffeson Teixeira de Souza

Universidade Estadual do Ceará

Thelma Elita Colanzi

Universidade Estadual de Maringá

Technical Program Committee

André Britto de carvalho (UFS)

Celso G. Camilo-Junior (UFG)

Geraldo R. Mateus (UFMG)

Gledson Elias (UFPB)

Gustavo A. L. de Campos (UEC)

Jerffeson T. de Souza (UECE)

Maria Cláudia F. P. Emer (UTFPR)

Márcio Barros (UNIRIO)

Silvia Regina Vergilio (UFPR)

Thelma E. Colanzi (UEM)

Wesley K. G. Assunção (UTFPR)

Ready to participate?